A Place for Grace

We are one branch of the "vine of Christ," one part of God's church. Our history, polity and faith posture are United Methodist. Our daily life includes many persuasions representing a diversity of Biblical and theological opinions. And, we happen to be all sizes, shapes, colors and kinds. We have a rich heritage.

Inclusive is our word. We affirm salvation as relationship to God though Jesus Christ, neighbor, and self. We try to style our life accordingly. Some of us are in one place in terms of growth, some in another. Our aim is to honor the position of the other without sacrificing our own. We want to be warm, real and open. We laugh and cry together. Those who come here will note many styles of dress, as well as a number of different kinds of music and styles of worship. We include tradition and innovation in our life.

We know that reconciliation and forgiveness happen, because they happen to us and to those who come to share themselves with us. Wells Church is a place of grace. We are a kind of experiment, a hope, a sharing and growing place. 

If you are looking for a place to "work the works of the One who sent us," join us.  Everyone is very welcome. Please join us for worship at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings.

A Place to Serve

Ministry to others is central to our shared life at Wells Church. Outreach includes providing food as part of our Tuesday Ministries. Wells also welcomes those in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction with a special class and access to Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous, which meet on the church campus.

Every September, Wells Church sponsors WellsFest, an alcohol-free, family-friendly music festival.  All proceeds are given to an area non-profit agency selected by the church each year.  WellsFest has provided nearly $1.5 million to help others.

Wells is a place to serve God by serving others.  Join us and find your place to serve.

A Place to Grow

Discipleship begins with relationship. Wells Church offers a place to connect with others and grow in a shared journey of faith.  We are made to be in community with others. The friendships forged with believers often provide the synergy that propels us into a deeper relationship with God.  Despite our differences and our brokenness, we choose to worship together and to build community on a foundation of shared faith, a shared desire to love God and our neighbor, and a shared seeking of Christ. Opportunities for friendship and discipleship are available for all ages and interests. 

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