The James Club

The James Club meets Sundays 9 - 9:45 a.m.

333 Glendale St. (Building behind Wells Church)

The James Club is a fellowship of people in recovery and others connected to them. Its purpose is to provide support and growth opportunities that are consistent with Christian teachings and 12-Step programs of recovery. The James Club encourages members to be actively involved in AA or other programs of recovery.


Although held on the premises of Wells Church, the James club is ecumenical and interdenominational. Wells Church provides the meeting place as a part of their ministry.


Strict confidentiality is maintained concerning class members and expressed personal concerns.


Attendance is open to people in recovery, their families and friends. Interested visitors are welcome, so long as confidentiality is respected. Strict anonymity and confidentiality is maintained. Group members are encouraged to participate in discussion and Bible study, but are not compelled to do so. Leadership within the group is shared among members, depending on skills and interests. Recovery birthdays and other anniversaries or victories are celebrated. Social activities are scheduled as appropriate and desired.


The James Club name is based on the Book of James, a book of action and prayer:

     "Faith without works is dead." (James 2:2)

     "Pray for each other so that you may be healed." (James 5:16)

"The book of James was considered so important that early members of AA even suggested The James Club as a name for the Fellowship." (from Pass It On, the story of Bill Wilson and how the AA message reached the world, p. 147)


We are a fellowship seeking growth and deeper spiritual dimensions in our lives.

We know we can be honest about our shortcomings in an atmosphere of complete trust and confidentiality.

Our primary concern is for people in recovery, their families, friends and other interested persons.

We acknowledge that AA and the other "12 Step Based" programs of recovery are not only the most effective methods for coping with the disease of chemical dependency and other obsessive compulsive disorders, but are also spiritual programs and a way of life worth of emulation by anyone.

We believe that God has a unique plan for our lives and wants us to live abundantly and joyously.

We believe that his abundant life is available to us through God's Son, Jesus Christ.

We believe that surrender to Christ can liberate us from the bondage of chemical dependency or similar obsessions that estrange us from God.

We believe in the power of prayer, both individual and corporate, and that our petitions will be answered through Christ.

We believe in the power of community knowing that there is a strength and source of support in this fellowship that transcends anything attainable on an individual basis.

We believe our continued growth is utterly dependent on our willingness to share the Good News and to be available for any calls for help from persons struggling with dependency issues.

The Georgetown Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets in the James Club Building Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8 p.m.

For additional information on AA in Mississippi click here.

Narcotics Anonymous meets in the James Club Building Monday and Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m., Thursdays at noon.

For additional information on NA in Mississippi click here.